How Home Credit Consolidated Finances Across Nine Countries with Keboola

Business Category:
Company Size:
Large Enterprises
25 million
62 million
Credit decisions

About Home Credit

Home Credit is a leading international consumer finance provider that operates in multiple countries across Europe and Asia. The company offers a range of financial services, including loans, credit cards, and insurance products, serving millions of customers worldwide. Founded in 1997, Home Credit has built a strong reputation for providing accessible financial solutions with a firm commitment to responsible lending practices.

In 2019, the company processed 73 million credit requests, onboarding 25 million customers, and maintaining a robust presence in diverse markets such as China, India, and the Philippines.

The Challenge:

Data Challenge

Home Credit faced significant data challenges, especially in three areas: data silos, data governance, and security

Data silos

With operations spread across multiple countries, each with its own systems and standards, Home Credit struggled to consolidate data from diverse sources, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Inconsistent data governance

Different departments used various metrics and definitions, causing confusion and lack of trust in the data. This inconsistency made it difficult to produce reliable reports.

Security concerns

As a regulated financial entity, Home Credit needs to ensure stringent data security and governance across all its operations.
These challenges were not only slowing down the firm's decision-making but also required extensive manual effort, impacting the firm's overall efficiency and business agility.
"Other tools required us to have data ready in a defined format. Keboola didn't and delivered. Over-delivered."
Radek Pluhar
Group CEO at Home Credit International
The Solution

Home Credit partnered with Keboola to address these challenges through a structured, phased implementation approach


Unified data Platform

Keboola provided Home Credit with a centralized platform to integrate and manage data from various sources, ensuring consistent data formats and definitions. This enabled Home Credit to consolidate data from multiple countries and systems seamlessly.

Data Governance and Security

Keboola's robust data governance framework allowed Home Credit to control data access and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The implementation of TA access management regulated permissions for the different views of data, thereby maintaining high security standards.

Incremental Implementation

The solution was deployed incrementally, starting with the finance data and then expanding to other areas, like risk, HR, and CRM. This approach minimized disruptions and allowed for continuous improvement and scalability.

Automation and Efficiency

By automating data processing and reporting tasks, Keboola reduced manual effort and improved the accuracy and timeliness of reports. This transformation enabled employees to focus on higher-value analytical tasks rather than mundane data crunching.
The Use Cases

Here are some examples
of how Home Credit uses Keboola

Use Case #1

FP&A and Controlling Financial Reporting

The Challenge

Home Credit's financial reporting processes were hampered by disparate data sources and inconsistent metrics across different countries. This was leading to inefficiencies and delayed decision-making, as financial data had to be manually consolidated from various systems, including Hyperion, Microsoft SQL servers, and Excel sheets.

The Solution

Keboola provided a unified data platform that integrated Home Credit's diverse data sources into a single, coherent system. This allowed for the automation of data consolidation and reporting processes, making financial data readily available and standardized across all regions.

The Outcome

Increased efficiency: Reporting processes that once took days were reduced to hours, with financial data now accessible in real-time. This has significantly improved the speed and accuracy of management reports.

Better decision-making: Leaders can now access up-to-date financial information quickly, allowing for more timely and informed strategic decisions.

Employee empowerment: Finance teams are able to shift focus from manual data consolidation to performing more value-added tasks, like data analysis and strategic planning.

"The biggest benefit for me is the instant data availability at various levels of detail. For management reports, I can stay high-level, and if needed, I can drill down into specific topics. Additionally, having daily sales data globally means I don't have to wait for the monthly close to get insights."

Vendula Chižňaková
Group CFO at Home Credit International
Use Case #2

Enterprise Risk Management


Risk management at HomeCredit was complicated by the lack of standardized data across different regions, leading to inconsistent risk assessments and reporting. Each country used different metrics and formats, making it difficult to get a unified view of risk.


Keboola enabled the standardization of risk data by integrating various data sources into a single platform with common formats and definitions. This allowed the risk management team to generate consistent and reliable reports across all regions.


Improved Data Quality: Standardized risk data led to more accurate and reliable risk assessments.

Enhanced Reporting: The ability to generate comprehensive risk reports quickly improved the ability to identify and mitigate potential risks.

Better Decision-Making: Unified risk data provided a clearer picture of the overall risk landscape, enabling better strategic decisions.

"The work has shifted from being a data pusher from point A to B to doing the intelligence and analysis of the data"

Vladimir Novotny
Director of strategic risk management at HomeCredit International
Use Case #3

Regulatory Compliance


Operating in multiple countries, HomeCredit needed to comply with various local regulations, which required stringent data governance and security measures. Ensuring compliance with different regulatory standards was complex and time-consuming.


Keboola's platform provided robust data governance and security features, including TA access management, which ensured that data was handled in compliance with local regulations. This allowed HomeCredit to control data access and ensure that only authorized personnel could view or manipulate sensitive information.


Enhanced Security: Improved data security and governance ensured compliance with regulatory standards across all regions.

Simplified Compliance: Automated data governance processes reduced the manual effort required to maintain compliance.

Improved Data Control: Home Credit could now ensure that data was only accessible to authorized users, reducing the risk of data breaches.

"We've established a robust security and observable environment, providing absolute control over data access and facilitating easy third-party audits."

Vladimir Novotny
Director of strategic risk management at HomeCredit International
Use Case #4

HR and Operational Analytics


Because the data was separated among different departments and required manual processes, HomeCredit's HR and operational analysis were restricted, causing inefficiencies and delays in accessing information. The consolidation of data from various sources was a time-consuming task that hindered the ability to make timely decisions.


By integrating HR and operational data into Keboola's platform, HomeCredit could automate data consolidation and reporting processes. This provided a unified view of HR metrics and operational performance across the organization.


Increased Efficiency: Automated data processes saved significant time, allowing HR and operational teams to focus on analysis rather than data collection.

Better Insights: Real-time access to HR and operational data enabled more timely and informed decisions.

Improved Engagement: Employees were more engaged and productive as they could now focus on strategic tasks rather than mundane data tasks.

"Previously, our team focused solely on data pushing, but now they've shifted towards enabling intelligence within the company."

Radek Pluhar
Group CEO at Home Credit International
Use Case #5

Customer Insights and CRM


Home Credit faced difficulties in understanding customer behavior and preferences due to fragmented data sources and inconsistent data formats. This hindered the ability to develop targeted marketing strategies and improve customer satisfaction.


Keboola's platform integrated CRM data, providing a unified view of customer information. This allowed HomeCredit to analyze customer behavior and preferences more effectively, enabling the development of targeted marketing strategies.


Improved Customer Insights: Enhanced ability to analyze customer data led to better understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Targeted Marketing: More effective marketing strategies improved customer engagement and satisfaction.

Real-Time Analytics: Real-time access to customer data allowed for quicker adjustments to marketing strategies based on customer behavior.

"We've automated all our investor presentations and board reports, and we're seeing more potential areas for deployment."

Vendula Chižňaková
Group CFO at HomeCredit International
The Impact

Since implementing Keboola, Home Credit has realized significant improvements in data management and business operations

Increased efficiency

Automated 25% of all reporting efforts at the HQ level, significantly saving time and resources.

Improved data quality
and consistency

Standardized data definitions and governance have led to more reliable and trustworthy reports.

Employee empowerment

The automation of routine tasks enables employees to focus on more analytical and strategic work, increasing job satisfaction and productivity.

Scalability and flexibility

The incremental implementation approach allows for continuous scaling and adaptation, ensuring the solution can meet evolving business needs.

Enhanced decision-making

Instant access to detailed and high-level data has improved fact-based decision-making across the organization.
These outcomes demonstrate the transformative impact of Keboola on Home Credit's data management capabilities, driving operational excellence and supporting the company's growth objectives.

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