The AWS S3 Extractor supports loading CSV files from specified buckets and paths, with options for handling headers, delimiters, and file decompression. Users can configure incremental loading, primary keys, and additional columns for filenames and row numbers, providing comprehensive data management capabilities.
The AWS S3 Extractor in Keboola enables users to load CSV files from multiple S3 buckets into Keboola Storage. It offers advanced CSV postprocessing, flexible UI, and optional incremental loading. Users can configure it with AWS credentials or roles, ensuring secure and efficient data extraction while ignoring files stored in AWS Glacier.
The AWS S3 Extractor supports loading CSV files from specified buckets and paths, with options for handling headers, delimiters, and file decompression. Users can configure incremental loading, primary keys, and additional columns for filenames and row numbers, providing comprehensive data management capabilities.
A retail company uses the AWS S3 Extractor to consolidate sales data from multiple regional S3 buckets into a central database in Keboola. This setup allows the company to maintain a unified view of sales performance, enabling more accurate forecasting and strategic decision-making.
A marketing team combines AWS S3 data with Google Ads data in Keboola to analyze campaign performance. By integrating these datasets, they gain insights into customer behavior and optimize ad spend, leading to improved ROI and targeted marketing strategies.
A financial services firm uses AWS S3 to store transaction data and combines it with ECB Currency Rates in Keboola. This integration automates currency conversion and financial reporting, reducing manual errors and providing timely insights for financial analysis.
AWS S3 Extractor simplifies data integration, enhancing business insights with seamless data management.